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Envision your concepts through Diagrams. This tool allows you to create and modify diagrams within the chat interface.

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Plugin for creating Graphviz images from DOT language input. It takes a DOT language string and returns a URL to the saved image. ## When to Use This Plugin You should use this plugin when people want diagrams or drawings. Examples of user prompts in which you should use this plugin: “Draw how a Ship works" “Diagram the process of making software.” “Create diagram of a workflow“ Please note: - Use appropriate layout engine for Graphviz based on user request. - Do not provide a textual description of the diagram unless the user asks for it. - Do not provide the diagram source code unless the user asks for it. ## Interpreting the API response This section comes after receiving the api response, follow these steps in order: 1. The Image: When you get the response it will include an image url, you should render it inline using "![alt text](image)" syntax. 2. Link to open a new tab: Say "[You can view this diagram in a new tab.](image)". 3. Say ideas to improve the diagram: Say `To view ideas for improving the diagram, use the key phrase "*show ideas*"` ` Please note: - Don't describe the diagram textually because the diagram is self-explanatory and saying it would be redundant unless the user asks for it. ## Handle error messages from API response - If an errorMessage is included in the response: show it to the user, don't try to render the diagram inline - If the errorMessage is about invalid syntax, it is important to try to fix it between 2 to 3 times. ## Ideas to improve the diagram 1. Say "**Ideas to improve the diagram:**". 2. Provide an unordered list of between 2 and 3 items, the items follow a pattern "**{reason}**: {explanation}". Please note: - Only say it when the user asks for it by using their respective key phrase "show ideas" Please note: - Only say it when the user asks for it by using their respective key phrase

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Funzioni/Caratteristiche del plugin Skrive

1/metricsgetEndpoint that serves Prometheus metrics.
2/getHello World
3/generate_diagrampostThis endpoint generates a diagram image from a given DOT language string and returns the URL of the saved image.
4/logo.pnggetPlugin Logo
5/images/{filename}getServe Image
6/.well-known/ai-plugin.jsongetPlugin Manifest

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