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CodeThreat is an AI-powered SAST solution that offers precise code analysis, drastically minimizing false positives.

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更新於: 2023/8/26

CodeThreat 摘要

Introducing CodeThreat, the innovative AI-powered tool that is revolutionizing code security. With its advanced static application security testing (SAST) capabilities, CodeThreat ensures that your code is robust and secure, all while eliminating the hassle of false positives.

Key Features

  1. Seamless Integration: CodeThreat seamlessly integrates into your development pipeline, effortlessly becoming an organic part of your coding process. This makes secure coding a natural practice for your entire team.
  2. Wide Language Support: Whether you're coding in Python, Java, or any other popular programming language, CodeThreat has got you covered. It supports a broad spectrum of programming languages, simplifying security for diverse development teams.
  3. Real-Time Insights: With CodeThreat's real-time reporting, you gain immediate visibility into your code's security status. This enables you to swiftly identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities, ensuring your code remains secure at all times.
  4. Accessible Design: CodeThreat's intuitive interface is designed to cater to team members with varying levels of technical expertise. This ensures that everyone on your team can contribute to code security, fostering a collaborative environment.
  5. Advanced AI Detection: Leveraging advanced AI capabilities and sophisticated dataflow analysis strategies, CodeThreat meticulously identifies potential vulnerabilities in your code. This enables you to proactively address security issues before they can be exploited.
  6. Focused on Accuracy: CodeThreat places a strong emphasis on reducing false positives. This means that the insights you receive are highly accurate, allowing you to take immediate and actionable steps to enhance your code security.
  7. Swift Scanning: Save valuable time without the need for code compilation. CodeThreat can scan your projects in as little as 5 minutes, boosting efficiency in your development process.
  8. Free Trial: Explore the power of CodeThreat risk-free with our free trial. Discover how AI can revolutionize your code security strategy and experience the benefits firsthand.

User Benefits

  • Precision and Efficiency: With CodeThreat's AI-powered analysis, you can ensure accurate detection of vulnerabilities with minimal false positives. This streamlines your security efforts, saving you time and effort.
  • Integration Ease: CodeThreat seamlessly integrates into your development process, making secure coding a natural and effortless practice.
  • Real-Time Response: Stay one step ahead of potential vulnerabilities with CodeThreat's real-time reporting. This enables you to swiftly and effectively respond to security threats, minimizing the risk of exploitation.
  • Inclusivity: CodeThreat's user-friendly design accommodates both technical and non-technical team members. This fosters collaboration and ensures that everyone can contribute to code security, regardless of their expertise.
  • AI Excellence: Leverage the power of advanced AI capabilities for in-depth code analysis that helps safeguard your applications against emerging threats.
  • Time Savings: CodeThreat's swift scanning capabilities allow you to scan your code in minutes, enhancing productivity without compromising security.
  • Risk-Free Exploration: Take advantage of CodeThreat's free trial and experience the advantages of AI-driven code security firsthand, without any commitment.


CodeThreat is the ultimate gateway to AI-powered code security. With precise analysis and minimal false positives, it seamlessly integrates into your development pipeline, supporting a wide range of programming languages. With its user accessibility, advanced AI capabilities, and commitment to accuracy, CodeThreat empowers your team to confidently enhance code security. Discover the power of CodeThreat with our free trial and experience the future of code security today.

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