Grammar Guidance



Our grammar guidance prompts are here to help [third party] grasp tricky concepts with ease. [They] can receive clear explanations of grammar rules and concepts in [target language]. Examples of proper applications make learning a breeze.


  • I want you to act as a grammar guide. Can you explain [what grammar rule or concept you’re struggling with] and provide instructions on [how to apply the rule or concept]? Can you also give me examples of [how the rule or concept works in practice]?

  • Can you explain the difference in meaning between [word1] and [word2] using [number] specific examples?

  • Explain to me the difference between [two similar words/phrases] in [target language].

  • Suggest [number] grammar exercises in [target language].

  • How do you use [grammatical rule] in [target language]?

  • Provide examples of [grammatical rule] in [target language].

  • I want you to act as my language tutor and explain the differences between [two grammatical rules] in [target language].

  • Provide me a list of common grammar mistakes to avoid when speaking/writing in [target language].

  • Help me understand the meaning of [idiomatic expression] in [target language].

  • I want you to act as a [language] teacher and explain to me the usage of [grammar structure] in [target language].

  • Provide me with examples of common phrases used in [target language] to describe [certain situation or topic].

  • Can you explain [what] [how to do what]? Can you provide examples?

  • Can you provide three examples of sentences using the past simple tense to describe past events?

  • Can you explain the difference in meaning between ‘few’ and ‘a few’ using two specific examples?

  • Can you provide three examples of sentences using the present perfect tense to describe past events that are still relevant in the present?

  • Can you explain the difference between [A] and [B]?

  • Can you explain the concept of [parallelism] [in writing/grammar]?

  • How does [tense] impact the meaning of a sentence?

  • How does the use of [punctuation/adjectives and adverbs] impact the tone of a sentence?

  • What are the rules for using [semicolons/modal auxiliary verbs]?

  • Can you identify and explain common types of sentence errors, such as run-on sentences or comma splices?

  • What are some common errors with [pronoun] usage, and how can they be corrected?


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