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QuickTask AI

Browser Extension

QuickTask AI, the ultimate productivity tool with AI-powered text highlighting, automation, summarization, and more.

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更新于: 2023/8/24

QuickTask AI 摘要

QuickTask AI, developed by TaskLabs, is an innovative Chrome extension that serves as the perfect productivity booster. As your "second brain for the internet," this tool is designed to reclaim your valuable time by saving you up to 5-8 hours every week. With its powerful features and user-specific enhancements, QuickTask AI streamlines your online activities and enhances your overall browsing experience.

Key Features

  1. AI Text Highlighter: QuickTask AI comes equipped with a state-of-the-art AI text highlighter that efficiently extracts essential information from articles, blogs, and web content. This feature allows you to quickly grasp the key points without having to read the entire piece, saving you time and effort.
  2. AI-Powered Automation: With the power of AI, QuickTask AI automates repetitive tasks, simplifying your online activities. From filling out forms to completing routine actions, this extension takes care of the tedious tasks for you, allowing you to focus on more important matters.
  3. Link and Text Snippet Storage: Save frequently used links and text snippets for easy access. By eliminating the need for redundant searches, QuickTask AI helps you stay organized and efficient. Whether it's a favorite website or a frequently used phrase, you can easily retrieve it whenever you need it.
  4. Div Selector: The div selector feature allows you to perform swift actions on selected sections of text. This enhances your overall browsing experience by providing a seamless way to interact with specific parts of a web page. Whether you want to copy, highlight, or share a particular snippet of text, the div selector makes it effortless.
  5. AI Summarizer: QuickTask AI's AI summarizer tool generates customizable summaries of articles and blogs. By condensing the information into a concise format, it allows for quick comprehension and saves you the time of reading through lengthy content. You can customize the level of detail in the summary to suit your preferences.
  6. Fullscreen Mode: Enjoy a distraction-free reading experience with QuickTask AI's fullscreen mode. By eliminating distractions such as ads and sidebars, this feature allows you to focus solely on the content at hand, enhancing your productivity and concentration.

Tailored for Various User Groups:

QuickTask AI goes above and beyond to cater to the specific needs of different user groups, enhancing their tasks:

  • Developers: QuickTask AI provides helpers for Leetcode and GitHub, streamlining coding tasks and making the development process more efficient.
  • Writers and Content Creators: This tool offers valuable assistance in writing tasks, helping writers and content creators refine their work and improve their productivity.
  • Students and Academics: QuickTask AI enhances study productivity by providing useful tools and features that help students and academics organize their research, take efficient notes, and summarize complex information.
  • Business Professionals: QuickTask AI enhances communication and writing efficiency for business professionals. From composing emails to crafting reports, this tool provides the necessary tools and functions to make their work smoother and more streamlined.

Privacy and Safety

QuickTask AI places a strong emphasis on privacy and safety. All data remains on your device, with no data collection or reliance on external servers. Additionally, the app clarifies that it is not affiliated with any companies mentioned in images or logos. Your trust and security are of utmost importance.


QuickTask AI - Bard and ChatGPT App is a transformative Chrome extension that aims to empower users with AI integration to save substantial hours each week. Its focus on text highlighting, automation, summarization, and user-specific enhancements makes it an essential companion for a diverse range of tasks. The commitment to privacy and safety, along with its independent status, ensures user trust and security. If you're looking for an AI-powered productivity companion, QuickTask AI is the perfect tool for you.

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