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Contentally is a tool designed to assist in creating engaging social media content.

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Updated on 6/25/2023

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Contentelly is a revolutionary tool designed to drive content creation innovation. Powered by advanced AI, it creates content that positions users as industry thought leaders. Contentelly sifts through global trending news and repurposes it into social media posts seamlessy tailored to platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and blogs.

Key among its features is the multi-language support, catering to over 27 languages, essentially equipping users to appeal to a broad demographic of audiences. Moreover, Contentelly is a game changer in terms of efficiency. By surveying top media outlets and delivering current content, it drastically reduces the time and energy users need to allocate to content creation.

The tool further enhances user experience by offering an intuitive interface for editing. Users can efficiently select pertinent news, amend the text, and determine the tone of their posts without navigating away from the platform. Additionally, Contentelly keeps users updated with the latest news in many topics including Science, Technology, or Business, making it easier to stay abreast with industry trends.

Utilizing Contentelly offers a host of benefits. Users can increase their productivity by cutting down content creation time by up to 70%. In mere 30 minutes, users can devise a content plan for an entire week. Moreover, they can share their insights, network with other professionals, and augment their personal brand by creating stellar content in significantly less time.

In conclusion, Contentelly is a well-designed tool that bestows users with the power to create professional content quickly, with little effort.

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