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Detection and revision of offensive tweets.

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Updated on 5/27/2023

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CanceledGPT: Enhance Your Online Presence with an AI-Powered Twitter Review Tool

CanceledGPT is an AI-driven tool that helps users search for and modify potentially offensive tweets on their Twitter profiles. It ensures a user's online presence is free from harmful or problematic language and offers options to revise, delete, or expose tweets as needed.

Key Features:

  1. Tweet Search: Scan your Twitter profile for potentially offensive content.
  2. Trending Searches: Utilize a list of trending searches to detect common problematic language.
  3. Date Range Selection: Specify a date range for tweet searches to review past content thoroughly.
  4. Revise or Delete Tweets: Edit the language of potentially harmful tweets or remove them entirely.
  5. Expose Tweets: Promote accountability by publicly displaying tweets to showcase personal growth and learning.

Use Cases:

  • Individuals seeking to maintain an online presence free from offensive or harmful content.
  • Social media users dedicated to fostering a positive and inclusive online environment.
  • Users who wish to revise or delete past tweets containing potentially problematic language.
  • Individuals aiming to hold themselves or others accountable for language and behavior on social media.

CanceledGPT is a powerful AI tool that enables users to review and update their tweets, ensuring alignment with positive values and an inclusive online presence.

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