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MaskmyPrompt is a tool designed to anonymize your prompt before sending it to ChatGPT.

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Updated on 6/21/2023

MaskmyPrompt Featured

MaskMyPrompt is an innovative AI tool created to serve as a privacy guard for users utilizing ChatGPT. It equips users to anonymize their prompts by automatically substituting names of individuals, organizations, and places with fictitious equivalents, thereby ensuring the confidentiality of critical data.

Key Features

The tool's crucial feature is prompt anonymization, which lets users indicate names that need to be masked in their prompts. The software then automatically exchanges these with fictional names. Carefully designed to prioritize data privacy, MaskMyPrompt ensures that all prompt data stays within the user's browser window, negating the risk of it being stored or transmitted to external servers. With its user-centric design, this tool presents a user-friendly interface that facilitates easy and efficient prompt anonymization. Furthermore, MaskMyPrompt harnesses the power of Transformers.js, a robust library for natural language processing tasks.

MaskMyPrompt goes the extra mile and offers developer support where users can report bugs, propose features, and share their use cases via email or Twitter.

This tool finds immense potential among researchers or developers who require engagement with AI models while safeguarding the privacy of the individuals or organizations referred to in their prompts. It is also used by professionals dealing with sensitive data and those who prefer to anonymize personal or private information while sourcing responses from AI models.

MaskMyPrompt, therefore, serves as an invaluable resource for users who wish to maintain control over their data and secure their privacy during their interactions with AI models.

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