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Tailor by Threads

Threads with Customizable AI

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Updated on 3/17/2023

Tailor by Threads Featured

Experience Efficient Time Management with Tailor - Your Personal AI Assistant for Chat Messages, Documents and More

Tailor is a cutting-edge AI assistant that optimizes your time management by summarizing chat messages, documents, audio calls and notifications. With Tailor you can quickly scan key points while discarding irrelevant details, giving you more time for other important tasks.


  1. Time-saving: Tailor enables quick filtration of irrelevant discussion and highlights important points and action items, saving you time and effort in sorting through long discussions.

  2. Customizable: Tailor allows you to customize prompts and summaries according to your preferences, ensuring optimal personalization.

  3. Enhance productivity: With Tailor's proactive notifications, you'll always stay up-to-date with important events without missing out on important details.

Use Cases:

  • Busy Professionals: Maximize productivity by receiving summarized notifications, quickly filtering out irrelevant details, during ongoing discussions.

  • Students: Maximize study time with Tailor's customizable prompts filtering out information important to the study topic.

  • Large Teams: Efficiently collaborate on shared projects with customized prompts highlighting essential data for team review.

In conclusion, Tailor is an AI-powered personal assistant that saves you time while enhancing your productivity. With Tailor, you can easily filter and summarize important information, retrieving only the crucial details about discussions, documents or audio calls that require your attention. Sign-up for early access and discover how Tailor can improve your productivity, by providing you with summaries and actionable items quickly and efficiently.

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