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Refact is a robust self-hosted AI code assistant that supports JetBrains and VS Code.

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Updated on 4/26/2023

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Refact is an AI-powered coding assistant that aims to make programming enjoyable without compromising privacy. Here are its key features and benefits:

  • Code Completion: Refact suggests potential code completions based on the context of your code, including functions, classes, programming patterns, libraries, and APIs usage, helping developers write code more quickly and accurately.

  • Improve Code: Refact can identify areas of code that can be refactored for efficiency or clarity and detect bugs, generating patches to fix them, improving code quality.

  • AI Chat: With plain language prompts in Refact's chat, developers can ask questions or get help with writing code without leaving their IDE.

  • Transform and Analyze Code: Refact can analyze code complexity and explain unclear lines of code. It also has the ability to transform code into a different language, expanding developers' options for application.

  • Languages Supported: Refact supports all major modern languages and frameworks.

  • Code Privacy: To protect private code or confidential files, Refact offers restricting access to specific files or projects, and it does not store any code on the server side, improving code security.

  • Cloud or On-Prem Version: Developers can choose between using the cloud or an on-premises version for full control over where their code runs.

Here are some possible use cases for Refact:

  • Enhancing Code Completion and Suggestions: Developers can use Refact's suggestion feature to save time and speed up their coding process.

  • Improving Code Quality and Efficiency: Refact can identify code areas that need improvement and provide fixes, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of your code.

  • Assisting with Bug Detection and Fixes: Refact's bug detection feature can identify problematic areas in the code and assist users in correcting them.

  • Simplifying Code Analysis and Transformation: Developers can also benefit from Refact's ability to analyze code complexity and transform code into a different language.

  • Ensuring Code Privacy and Security: Refact safeguards private and confidential code and offers secure solutions in the cloud or on-premises.

Overall, Refact is a useful and dynamic tool for developers looking to maximize the power of AI in their programming, improve code quality and efficiency, and enhance the development process.

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