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Vribble, the tool that turns your ideas into concise summaries in an instant.

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更新日: 8/26/2023

Vribble 特集

Introducing Vribble, a ground-breaking tool powered by artificial intelligence that revolutionizes the way you capture and organize your thoughts. Vribble makes it effortless to record your ideas and takes it a step further by instantly transcribing and condensing your recordings into concise and clear summaries. Whether you're brainstorming, holding a meeting, or having a conversation, Vribble ensures that you never lose valuable insights by providing an organized and searchable repository for all your transcriptions and summaries.

Key Features

  1. Effortless Idea Capture: With Vribble, capturing your thoughts is a breeze. Just record your ideas, and our advanced AI technology takes care of the rest.
  2. Instant Transcription: Watch in amazement as Vribble's AI technology transforms your spoken words into written summaries within seconds. No more manual transcription work!
  3. Keyword Search: Say goodbye to the days of digging through piles of notes. Vribble enables you to easily retrieve past recordings by searching for keywords, so you can quickly find the information you need.
  4. Telegram Integration: Seamlessly connect Vribble to Telegram and witness the magic as your voice messages are transcribed and stored as written records. Never miss an important detail again.
  5. Centralized Storage: Forget about scattered notebooks and juggling multiple apps. Vribble provides a centralized hub for all your transcriptions and summaries, making information retrieval a breeze.

User Benefits

  1. Efficiency: Vribble's AI-powered transcription and summarization save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on the essence of your ideas. No more struggling with lengthy recordings or messy notes.
  2. Clarity: Transform your spoken thoughts into clear and concise written summaries with Vribble. Complex ideas become easy to understand, facilitating effective communication and collaboration.
  3. Searchable Insights: Quickly locate past recordings using keywords with Vribble's powerful search capabilities. Never let a valuable insight go unnoticed or forgotten again.
  4. Integration: By connecting Vribble with Telegram, you can transcribe and store voice messages, ensuring that important conversations are documented in written form.
  5. Organization: Enjoy the convenience of having all your transcriptions and summaries in one central location. Vribble simplifies your workflow by providing a seamless way to store and access your valuable information.
  6. Future-Ready: Vribble is committed to staying at the forefront of AI audio technology. As advancements continue to emerge, you can expect even more functionalities and options that enhance your experience with Vribble.


Vribble transforms the way you capture, organize, and access your thoughts. With its state-of-the-art AI-powered transcription and summarization capabilities, Vribble turns your spoken ideas into clear and accessible summaries. You can easily search for past recordings, integrate with Telegram for voice message transcription, and enjoy the convenience of centralized storage. As AI audio technology evolves, Vribble evolves with it, ensuring that you experience efficient thought organization and seamless retrieval. Embrace the power of Vribble today and witness the positive impact it has on your productivity.

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