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DesignPro is an AI-powered tool that provides design feedback and task management.

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更新日: 9/9/2023

DesignPro 特集

Welcome to DesignPro, the ultimate solution for revolutionizing the design review process. DesignPro is an AI-powered tool specifically engineered to transform feedback chaos into clear, actionable tasks and insights. With a range of powerful features and benefits, DesignPro is designed to enhance the efficiency of your design process and streamline your design reviews.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Instant Feedback Synthesis: DesignPro has the ability to synthesize design critiques and product reviews into actionable tasks. By seamlessly integrating with popular design software like Figma and Figjam, DesignPro ensures that feedback is directly integrated into your design workflow, saving you time and effort in manually transferring feedback.
  2. Time-Saving Transcripts: DesignPro can automatically generate transcripts from video feedback platforms like Loom or Zoom. This feature simplifies the analysis of product reviews and user feedback by providing you with a written record of the feedback given. This enables you to easily reference and prioritize feedback without having to rewatch entire videos.
  3. Effortless Task Management: With DesignPro, task management becomes effortless. DesignPro allows you to visualize all tasks in a single inbox, making it easy to review, prioritize, and assign tasks. Furthermore, you can export tasks to popular project management platforms, ensuring seamless integration with your existing workflow.
  4. Centralized Task Repository: DesignPro consolidates tasks from various sources, including Figma, Loom, Slack, and more, into one accessible repository. This centralization of tasks simplifies task management and ensures that you have a comprehensive overview of all feedback and tasks related to your design projects.
  5. Expert Reviewers: DesignPro allows you to add expert reviewers from top companies to ensure valuable feedback at your fingertips. By leveraging the expertise of these reviewers, you can further enhance the quality of your design feedback and drive improvements in your design process.

Why Choose DesignPro

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: By streamlining design reviews and simplifying the feedback process, DesignPro helps you save valuable time and reduce costs in the design process. With DesignPro, you can eliminate the time-consuming tasks of manually synthesizing feedback and managing tasks, allowing you to focus on what matters most – creating exceptional designs.
  2. Seamless Integration: DesignPro integrates effortlessly with your existing design software and feedback platforms. Whether you use Figma or rely on video feedback tools like Loom or Zoom, DesignPro seamlessly integrates with these platforms, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted workflow.
  3. Task Organization: DesignPro helps you keep tasks organized and easily accessible. By centralizing all tasks in one inbox and providing options to export tasks to popular project management platforms, DesignPro promotes efficient project management and ensures that no feedback or task slips through the cracks.


DesignPro is the ultimate tool for empowering designers and product teams to supercharge their design feedback processes. With its ability to synthesize feedback, generate transcripts, centralize task management, and integrate with popular design software and feedback platforms, DesignPro enhances design efficiency and simplifies the way you manage design feedback. Choose DesignPro and embrace a new era of streamlined and effective design reviews.

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