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Retrieve data on DeFi protocols and blockchains.

Sitio web de Defillama


Get current and historical stats on DeFi protocols and blockchains. Always display results using markdown tables.

Hora de actualización del complemento en GPTStore.Ai


Funciones/Características del complemento Defillama

1/protocol/{slug}getGet descriptive information and current stats of a protocol.
2/tvl/{slug}getGet the current TVL of a protocol.
3/top_gainers/{num_protocols}getGet the protocols that gained the most TVL.
4/top_growers/{num_protocols}getGet the protocols that had the highest percentage growth in TVL.
5/top_losers/{num_protocols}getGet the protocols that lost the most TVl.
6/top_shrinkers/{num_protocols}getGet the protocols that had the highest percentage loss in terms of TVl.
7/historical_protocol_tvl/{slug}getGet historical TVL data of a protocl.
8/get_sluggetGet the slug most similar to the given text.
9/get_protocol_feesgetGet the fees earned by a protocol
10/top_protocol_feesgetGet the protocols that have earned the most fees.
11/get_defillamaIdgetGet the DefiLlamaID of a protocol
12/get_protocol_revenuegetGet the revenue earned by a protocol
13/top_protocol_revenuegetGet the protocols that have earned the most revenue.
14/get_chain_tvlgetGet the TVL for a specific chain or L2.
15/get_chain_tvl_changegetGet the change in TVL for a specific chain or L2 over a given time period.
16/get_net_bridge_flowgetGet the net bridge flow for a specific chain or L2 over a given time period.
17/get_all_net_bridge_flowsgetGet the net bridge flow for all chains and L2s over a given time period.
18/get_top_yieldsgetGet the top yielding pools.
19/get_featuresgetGet information about what this plugin can do.
20/get_feedback_formgetGet link to a form where you can give feedback on the plugin.
21/top_chain_gainersgetGet the chains that have gained the most TVL.
22/top_chain_growersgetGet the chains that have the highest percentage growth in TVL
23/top_chain_losersgetGet the chains that have lost the most TVL.
24/top_chain_shrinkersgetGet the chains that the highest percentage loss in TVL.
25/get_interestinggetReturns interesting/important data on what is happening on-chain re protocols, chains and yields.

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