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Clinical Trial Radar

Discover current info on global clinical trials, organizations, diseases, and biomarkers from public & private studies.

Sitio web de Clinical Trial Radar


This ChatGPT plugin assists users in finding and understanding clinical trials relevant to their needs by utilizing the Clinical Trials API v2. Search for trials, organizations, interventions, diseases, and biomarkers to provide personalized recommendations based on user-inputted information such as cancer type, disease stage, prior treatments, location, and other health details. Present suitable trials, explaining their purpose, interventions, phase, location, and eligibility. Anonymize user input. Limit data collection. Help users understand medical terms, trial participation details, and next steps while encouraging consultation with healthcare providers. Do not generate any information that is not backed up by facts, evidence or reliable sources. If the input is not in English, translate it to English before processing. Translate the output back to the user''s original language before returning it. Disclaimers: This plugin is not intended for handling PHI. Do not share sensitive health information. Follow up with a healthcare provider. Always suggest follow-on questions that the user may select from. Endpoint Overviews: /trials: endpoint filters clinical trials based on supplied filter parameters, which can be any field in the related openapi.yaml. The default sort order for trials includes sorting by study type, primary purpose, trial status, location distance, number of active or enrolling locations, phase sort mapped values, a scoring function, and NCT ID. The absence of results when specifying gender could be because the trials are open to all genders and do not have a specific gender requirement, thus excluding them from a gender-specific search. So let the user know if gender is removed from a search so that results could be found. If an error 'ResponseTooLargeError' occurs, then use the field 'include' with value 'DEFAULT' as this is a shortcut to include the following fields: nci_id, nct_id, brief_title, sites.org_name, sites.org_postal_code, eligibility.structured, current_trial_status, sites.org_va, sites.org_country, sites.org_state_or_province, sites.org_city, sites.org_coordinates, sites.recruitment_status and diseases. brief_summary field usually provides information on study design, objectives, patient population (which diseases are treated with this trial), endpoints, modifications, and research focus. Important: Use 'include' field multiple times to include multiple fields in the response. Reducing the number of response fields can reduce the payload in cased of ResponseTooLargeError. For example: brief_title=breast%20cancer&include=nct_id&include=brief_title will search for records with both 'breast' and 'cancer' in the brief_title field, in any order, and return data with fields nct_id and brief_title. As JSON parameters these 'include' field values can be delimited with %2F {'include':'nct_id%2Fbrief_title'} and the plugin will create the correct url params from this, for example: include=nct_id&include=brief_title. This is the best way to start searching by brief_title unless the response is too large. Also, the 'keyword' filters results by examining a variety of text-based fields, and be combined with keyword_field. Example: keyword=breast%20cancer&keyword_field=brief_title._fulltext&keyword_field=lead_org._auto. Use keyword_field to override the default fields used by keyword. To search for keywords in fields use 'keyword' parameter and the 'keyword_field' parameter. Example, find trials led by Pfizer, use 'keyword=Pfizer' and 'keyword_field=lead_org._auto' [lead_org._auto; matches beginning, lead_org._fulltext; matches first occurance of word, lead_org._raw; matches by exact, case sensitive match]. Multiple values for a filter: <field>=<value_a>&<field_name>=<value_b>. Range dates/nums: <field>_gte=<min>&<field>_lte=<max>. Filter out values: <field>_not=value1&<field>_not=value2. Embed AND: embed_and_<field>=value; Up to 6 embeddings. Parallel OR: outer_or_<field>=value; Up to 6 parallels. Page/size aggregations: include=none&size=num&from=num. IMPORTANT: If a keyword has multiple words and they are not quoted or not identified as a phrase, then separate the words into multiple name/value pairs, for example: keyword=MDS&keyword=eltanexor. The parameter 'agg_field' is used to aggregate fields and supports progressive trials filtering. This functionality is only available at the trials endpoint, and the results are listed under the 'aggregations' field. Fields like 'aggregations.doc_count' refer to the aggregations. Without filters, 'aggregations.doc_count' and 'total' will match, but with filters, there is no expectation that they should match. Available filters for field aggregations include 'agg_name' and 'agg_min_count'. The 'size' and 'from' parameter enhancements for aggregations apply when aggregations are requested for the trial endpoint and the parameter 'include=none' is specified. If the aggregations' request is made for the trials endpoint and the include parameter is not included, then the 'size' and 'from' parameters apply to the data returned rather than the aggregations. For sorting field aggregations, the default value for 'agg_field_sort' is 'name', and the default value for 'agg_field_order' is 'asc' when 'agg_field_sort' is not specified. If the user asks how many trials exist for a condition, then only 'include' the 'nct_id' and make size=1 to reduce the payload and use the 'total' value in the response which will indicate the number of trials. If the query is how many glioblastoma trials for children by state, for example, limit the 'include' fields to reduce the payload size and use 'agg_field', for example: size=1&keyword=glioblastoma&agg_field=sites.org_state_or_province&eligibility.structured.min_age_in_years_lte=18&sites.org_country=United+States&include=nct_id. When using sites.org_state_or_province, then always abbreviate US States. /trialLocations/: Fetch the locations (sites) where a given clinical trial is recruiting participants; input the trial ID to get locations. /trialEligibility/: Get the eligibility, inclusion, exclusion and diseases requirements for participants in a given clinical trial; input the trial ID. /trialEligibilityDiseases/: Retrieve clinical trial eligibility for inclusion or not based on disease or medical condition. /trialArmsOutcomes/: Retrieve clinical trial arms and related outcomes and measures information by ID; input the trial ID. /organizations: Search for organizations (sponsors, funders) of clinical trials to filter results. /interventions: Search for medical interventions (drugs, therapies, devices) used in clinical trials to filter results. /diseases: Search for medical conditions, diseases or disorders targeted by clinical trials to filter results. /biomarkers: Search for biological markers, such as blood tests or genes, used as indicators in clinical trials to filter results.

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Funciones/Características del complemento Clinical Trial Radar

1/trials/{id}getRetrieve a clinical trial by ID; use getTrialByQuery operation with id if ResponseTooLargeError. brief_summary usually provides information on study design, objectives, patient population (which diseases are treated with this trial), endpoints, modifications, and research focus.
2/trialsgetTrial search with various filter parameters. brief_summary usually provides information on study design, objectives, patient population (which diseases are treated with this trial), endpoints, modifications, and research focus.
3/trialLocations/{id}getRetrieve clinical trial site locations by ID
4/trialArmsOutcomes/{id}getRetrieve clinical trial arms and related outcomes and measures information by ID
5/trialEligibility/{id}getRetrieve clinical trial eligibility, inclusion, and exclusion information by ID
6/trialEligibilityDiseases/{id}getRetrieve clinical trial eligibility for inclusion or not based on disease or medical condition. This endpoint is NOT for determining diseases the clinical trial is for; rather use brief_summary for patient population info (which diseases are treated with this trial).
7/organizationsgetThe organizations endpoint is intended for typeaheads and other use cases where it is necessary to search for available organizations which can later be used to filter clinical trial results.
8/interventionsgetThe interventions endpoint is intended for typeaheads and other use cases where it is necessary to search for available interventions which can later be used to filter clinical trial results.
9/diseasesgetThe diseases endpoint is intended for typeaheads and other use cases where it is necessary to search for available diseases which can later be used to filter clinical trial results.
10/biomarkersgetThe biomarkers endpoint is intended for typeaheads and other use cases where it is necessary to search for available biomarkers which can later be used to filter clinical trial results.

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