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Decision Journal

Become a better decision maker by keeping track of your decisions and reviewing how they turn out.

Website von Decision Journal


Useful for logging and reviewing decisions a user is making. Use it whenever a user is making a decision, has made a decision, or wants to review a decision.

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Funktionen/Features von Decision Journal

1/decisionsgetGet decisions with a query and optional filters as parameters. Refine results by status or whether or not they are due for review.
2/decisionspostCreate decisions with information about the decision (e.g. title, tags, expected outcomes, feelings, etc). Set the status to "published" when the decision has been made. All decisions not yet made should be "draft" status.
3/decisions/{decisionId}getGet a specific decision with its id.
4/decisions/{decisionId}putUpdate a specific decision with information about the decision. Update the decision's status to "published" when the decision has been made.
5/decisions/{decisionId}/reviewspostCreate a review for a decision with information about the review (e.g. accuracy score, actual outcome, learnings, etc). Set the status to "published" when the review has been finalized. Otherwise, the status should be "draft".
6/decisions/{decisionId}/reviewsputUpdate a review for a decision with information about the review (e.g. accuracy score, actual outcome, learnings, etc). Set the status to "published" when the review has been finalized. Otherwise, the status should be "draft".

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